Planting locally indigenous plants in your home garden and school provides habitat, and a food source for native wildlife. Not only will you be helping out animals, your environment will look beautiful too.
Why not create a ‘lizard lounge’ in your back yard or school yard. Blue-tongue lizards are perfect garden denizens, as help control snail populations in your garden. That’s fantastic news for your vegies!
Spare a thought for the poor grey-headed fox. Why not share some of your fruit in your garden with bats? After all they were here first. They are considered a ‘keystone’ species, and are important pollinators and seed germinators in Australia’s forests.
Encouraging insects in your garden like the praying mantis help control insect species. Wow, then there is no need to use harmful insecticides.
Annelid worms have segmented bodies. They help aerate soil and recycle nutrients back into your local environment. Did you know that earth worms are hermaphrodites (both sexes in one animal).
Tawny frogmouths are often confused with owls. They belong to the nightjar bird family, and unlike owls capture their food with their wide gaping mouths, rather than talons. Tawny frogmouths are one of the true ‘winners’ in suburbia. They have proliferated in suburbs attracted to the insects congregating around street lights at night.
Did you know that household pets are responsible for the mass killing of native animals each year. Be a responsible pet owner, never let your cat free to roam outdoors, and walk your dog on a leash.
Nesting boxes are an ideal way to created shelter and breeding sites for local wildlife. Suburban gardens often have very little native habitat, why not make a home for a possum, parrot or native owl species?
Echidnas, wallabies, possums and kangaroos often are casualties crossing busy roads and freeways. Always be on the lookout for wildlife, especially driving at dusk and dawn when aniamls are more active.
Learn what Species learn in your backyard or school environment. Learn how to help animals breed and proliferate. After all, every animal has a job to do.
The crimson rosella is an important seed disperser for our forests. Healthy forests = healthy people.
More information about this workshop
What is our Backyard Biodiversity program all about?
In this one-hour interactive workshop Students of all ages will be introduced to the animal’s which call Melbourne and your local area…home!The environs of Melbourne are complex and diverse. Be amazed by the indigenous wildlife that inhabit the various ecosystems on Melbourne’s doorstep. #Wild Action can change focus and species list depending on your location.We’ll also discuss the important role that each and every species plays in our fragile ecosystems, and the impact mankind has had on them.
How many students may participate?
An absolute maximum of thirty children may participate in this program. We pride ourselves on a quality, engaging experience. Animal welfare is paramount to us. Multiple sessions for more than 30 children can be arranged on the same day if required.
What is our curriculum focus?
Learn about Melbourne’s incredible biodiversity.
Discuss positive measures which students can implement to help protect local biodiversity i.e. creating habitat, responsible pet ownership, pollution, recycling, nest boxes, invasive species.
Learn about different habitats, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal, Subterranean.
What does each animal eat. Predator/prey interrelationships
Food webs
Quirky fun facts!
What live animals should you expect to visit your classroom?(*dependant on site locality).
Kangaroo joey, ringtail possum, worms, millipedes, tree goanna, tawny frogmouth, owl species, echidna, fresh water turtle, Eastern blue tongued lizard, grey headed flying fox, snake species, marine species of Port Phillip Bay + more!