Child Care Centre Incursions
With over 27 years in environmental education, we have created the very best Early Years programs which can visit your Centre!

What’s the Wild Action Experience all about?

A myriad of live wildlife can inhabit your Early learning centre for a one hour 'action-packed’ educational workshop. We offer an unbeatable variety of species, which are guaranteed to enthral and engage your Children. Interactive and ‘hands-on’, our service is the perfect way to introduce a new classroom topic.

What age group do we teach?

We offer 1 hr carefully structured programs for kinder and pre-kinder groups +  30 minute ‘meet and greet’ style programs for toddlers and nursery children so that no-one misses out!

What is our maximum group size?

We allow a maximum of 30 children in each one-hour workshop. The smaller the group size the better!

Unparalleled wildlife choice. Presented by an engaging and experienced Team!

Our Team are dynamic and entertaining. We really know how to engage with pre-schoolers. Our energetic and ‘hands-on’ learning programs makes a Wild Action visit a highlight of any Child’s kinder year! Each Pre-Schooler will touch and interact with every animal. Everyone, has an opportunity to hold an animal in front of the class, and everybody has the opportunity to have a personal photo experience to share with their families.

Curriculum focus and education outcomes.

We introduce your ELC kids to the wonders of Nature!
Introducing a myriad of animals, we teach respect and wonderment for the Natural World. In each of our programs we discuss and explore:

• Animal Types i.e. Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds, Insects
• Coverings i.e. Fur, slimy skin, scales, feathers and exoskeletons.
• Homes of animals i.e. where do they live? What is a habitat?
• Environments: Woodlands, backyards, deserts, waterways, rainforest etc
• Ecological Niche: We teach your Children about the important jobs of each and every animal
• We discuss ways in which we can all help out animals by being personally responsible.
• We stress the importance of not touching nor picking up wildlife, and we discuss the dangers.

Our workshops are flexible and appropriate

Wild Action can ’tailor’ your workshop to your specific learning outcomes or study interests. Not only do we provide an unbelievable wildlife experience, we will instil a wonderment and respect for our Natural World in your children.

An incursion will help grow your Students confidence in interacting with wildlife, and strengthen their understanding of the importance of protecting biodiversity. Ultimately, a Wild Action program will help create respect for all animals and the environment.
We offer 4 amazingly interactive programs to captivate your ELC Children.
Click on the below educational buttons to find out more about our specific shows, 
and decide which program suits your needs.
Backyard Biodiversity Wild Action

Crabs belong to the Phylum Arthropoda, which means that they characteristically have an exo-skeleton and
segmented legs and two body parts where the head and thorax are fused together (cephalothorax) and the

Shark egg cases are an absolute marvel of Nature. They mimic the sea algae which they are laid amongst. This gives the growing shark pup perfect camouflage from predators until they are ready to hatch.

Did you know that sea stars live in an incredibly ‘topsy-turvy’ world. their bottoms (blastopore) are on their heads and their mouth is on their bottoms!

Hermit crabs don’t make their shells, they steal them from a mollusc (snail). No bills no rent ...they are always on holidays!

Who would have thought!? It’s the male seahorse that gives birth to the babies!

When threatened, globefish rapidly inflate themselves with water or air to become spherical in shape. This causes the spines to stand out from the body, making it very difficult for predators to attack.

Did you know that the little penguin is the smallest penguin species in the world, and the only blue penguin in colour! It's scientific name Eudyptula minor means 'great little diver!'.

With a ‘do’ like Tina Turner from the eighties, sea urchins have a protective covering of spines to protect themselves from predators,

Sea cucumbers are echinoderms are cousins to sea stars and sea urchins. They characteristically have tube feet. In many Asian countries sea cucumbers are regarded as a delicacy.

Octopuses are characterized by their eight arms,usually bearing suction cups. Octopuses are among the most intelligent and behaviorally flexible of all invertebrates. Nocturnal in nature, octopus are rarely seen.

More information about this workshop

What is our Rock-pool Discovery program all about?

In this one-hour interactive workshop your Students will be introduced to the amazing ecosystems and inhabitants of Port Phillip Bay.

Discover what an Intertidal Zone is, and learn about the various species which live in this biodiverse rich environment.

We’ll also discuss the important role that each and every species plays in this fragile ecosystem, and the impact mankind has on Port Phillip Bay and our Oceans

How many students may participate?

An absolute maximum of thirty children may participate in this program. We pride ourselves on a quality, engaging experience. Animal welfare is paramount to us. Multiple sessions for more than 30 children can be arranged on the same day if required.

What is our curriculum focus?

Students will learn about concepts such as:

  • What is an echinoderm, fish, mollusc, crustacean?
  • Adaptations
  • Intertidal habitats
  • The ecological niche of each animal, and the importance of conserving them. After all, every animal has a job to do!
  • Amazing fun facts!

What live animals should you expect to visit your classroom?

ECHINODERMS, Sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers FISH sea horse, puffer fish, Port Jackson shark + egg case CRUSTACEANS spider crabs, shore crab MOLLUSCS elephant snail, octopus (seasonal) + more!

Australian Animals Wild Action

Did you know that barn owls are the most cosmopolitan owl species in the world, found throughout the globe, except Antarctica. Why not put a nest box up in your back yard or school grounds to encourage owls to breed? They’ll control rodent populations free of charge!

Did you know know that the first ever green tree frog discovered was blue in colour? Hence their name Litoria caerulea.

The rainbow lorikeet has a hairy tongue for licking up nectar and pollen. The colorful parrot has proliferated due to mankind planting fruit trees and flowering native plants in suburbs along the East coast of Australia.

Australia does not have any native tortoise, only aquatic freshwater and marine turtles.

The black headed python has a distinctive black head to help it thermoregulate. This beautiful animal is cannibalistic and is very fond of eating it’s own kind!

Frilled Lizards affectionately called ‘frillies’ use their amazing frill to ward off potential threats. These wonderful lizards are now threatened in parts of Queensland due to habitat loss.

Did you know that crocodiles have 66 sharp teeth and that they can continually grow them back again. That’s one busy tooth fairy!

The laughing kookaburra is the World’s largest kingfisher. When they laugh, they are not being funny, they are actually aggressively triangulating their territory.

Mega bats are considered a vital key-stone species for the environment. They play a crucial role in pollinating flowers and germinating seeds.

Kangaroos belong to the Macropod family meaning ‘big foot’. Kangaroos employ a very clever reproductive strategy called embryonic diapause. Why not find out more in a WIld Action Show?

More information about this workshop

What is our Australian Animal program all about?

In this one-hour interactive workshop Students of all ages will be introduced to the amazing World of Australian Animals!

Australia certainly has some very unique, weird and wonderful creatures!

We’ll also discuss the important role that each and every species plays in our fragile ecosystems, and the impact mankind has had on their populations.

How many students may participate?

An absolute maximum of thirty children may participate in this program. We pride ourselves on a quality, engaging experience. Animal welfare is paramount to us. Multiple sessions for more than 30 children can be arranged on the same day if required.

What is our curriculum focus?

  • What is a Mammal, Bird, Reptile and Amphibian?
  • Learn about their different habitats, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal, Subterranean
  • Environments i.e. desert, rainforest, wetlands, woodlands.
  • What does each animal eat.  Predator/prey interrelationships
  • Food webs
  • Quirky fun facts!

What live animals should you expect to visit your classroom?

REPTILES, skink, monitor, gecko, fresh water turtle, python snake (non-venomous), crocodile  AMPHIBIANS frog species BIRDS owl + others MAMMALS a selection of joey kangaroo, potoroo, bettong, flying fox, gliding possum or ringtail possum.

Backyard Biodiversity Wild Action

Planting locally indigenous plants in your home garden and school provides habitat, and a food source for native wildlife. Not only will you be helping out animals, your environment will look beautiful too.

Why not create a ‘lizard lounge’ in your back yard or school yard. Blue-tongue lizards are perfect garden denizens, as help control snail populations in your garden. That’s fantastic news for your vegies!

Spare a thought for the poor grey-headed fox. Why not share some of your fruit in your garden with bats? After all they were here first. They are considered a ‘keystone’ species, and are important pollinators and seed germinators in Australia’s forests.

Encouraging insects in your garden like the praying mantis help control insect species. Wow, then there is no need to use harmful insecticides.

Annelid worms have segmented bodies. They help aerate soil and recycle nutrients back into your local environment. Did you know that earth worms are hermaphrodites (both sexes in one animal).

Tawny frogmouths are often confused with owls. They belong to the nightjar bird family, and unlike owls capture their food with their wide gaping mouths, rather than talons. Tawny frogmouths are one of the true ‘winners’ in suburbia. They have proliferated in suburbs attracted to the insects congregating around street lights at night.

Did you know that household pets are responsible for the mass killing of native animals each year. Be a responsible pet owner, never let your cat free to roam outdoors, and walk your dog on a leash.

Nesting boxes are an ideal way to created shelter and breeding sites for local wildlife. Suburban gardens often have very little native habitat, why not make a home for a possum, parrot or native owl species?

Echidnas, wallabies, possums and kangaroos often are casualties crossing busy roads and freeways. Always be on the lookout for wildlife, especially driving at dusk and dawn when aniamls are more active.

Learn what Species learn in your backyard or school environment. Learn how to help animals breed and proliferate. After all, every animal has a job to do.
The crimson rosella is an important seed disperser for our forests. Healthy forests = healthy people.

More information about this workshop

What is our Backyard Biodiversity program all about?

In this one-hour interactive workshop Students of all ages will be introduced to the animal’s which call Melbourne and your local area…home!

The environs of Melbourne are complex and diverse. Be amazed by the indigenous wildlife that inhabit the various ecosystems on Melbourne’s doorstep. #Wild Action can change focus and species list depending on your location.

We’ll also discuss the important role that each and every species plays in our fragile ecosystems, and the impact mankind has had on them.

How many students may participate?

An absolute maximum of thirty children may participate in this program. We pride ourselves on a quality, engaging experience. Animal welfare is paramount to us. Multiple sessions for more than 30 children can be arranged on the same day if required.

What is our curriculum focus?

  • Learn about Melbourne’s incredible biodiversity.
  • Discuss positive measures which students can implement to help protect local biodiversity i.e. creating habitat, responsible pet ownership, pollution, recycling, nest boxes, invasive species.
  • Learn about  different habitats, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal,  Subterranean.
  • What does each animal eat.  Predator/prey interrelationships
  • Food webs
  • Quirky fun facts!

What live animals should you expect to visit your classroom?
#dependant on site locality.

Kangaroo joey, ringtail possum, worms, millipedes, tree goanna, tawny frogmouth, owl species, echidna, fresh water turtle, Eastern blue tongued lizard, grey headed flying fox, snake species, marine species of Port Phillip Bay + more!

Backyard Biodiversity Wild Action

Scorpions are members of the Class Arachnida, they have eight legs and two body parts and are closely related to spiders, mites and ticks.
Scientists are sure why but scorpions are fluorescent under ultraviolet light.

Millipedes are invertebrates which belong to the class Diplopoda. Derived from Greek words diplous “double” and podos “foot”. Millipedes are herbivorous and eat plant matter.

Rhino beetles are frugivores which means that they survive as adults on pollen and soft fruits. Only the male has the impressive horn.

Australian tarantulas are myglomorph ‘primitive spiders. They characteristically have two pair sof book lungs and downward pointing chelicerae.

Mantis can turn their heads 180 degrees to scan their surroundings with two large compound eyes and three other simple eyes located between them.

Giant burrowing cockroaches are one of the World’s heaviest cockroaches. They can live up to twenty years and grow to the size of a human’s hand! These beautiful giants give birth to live babies and look after their babies in a cockroach creche.

Spiny leaf stick insects belong to the Insect family Phasmatodea. Phasma is Greek for apparition....or like a ghost. These incredible invertebrates mimic a dead leaf so predators can’t detect them.

More information about this workshop

What is our Insect-a-Mania & Minibeasts program all about?

In this one-hour interactive workshop Students of all ages will be introduced to the animal’s which call Melbourne and your local area home!

The suburbs of Melbourne

We’ll also discuss the important role that each and every species plays in our fragile ecosystems, and the impact mankind has had on their populations.

How many students may participate?

An absolute maximum of thirty children may participate in this program. We pride ourselves on a quality, engaging experience. Animal welfare is paramount to us. Multiple sessions for more than 30 children can be arranged on the same day if required.

What is our curriculum focus?

  • What is an Arthropod, Insect, Myriapod, Arachnid, Annelid, Crustacean & Echinoderm? 
  • How do scientists classify and separate into Phylum’s, Classes etc.
  • Learn about their different habitats, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal,  Subterranean.
  • Environments i.e. desert, rainforest, wetlands, woodlands, ocean.
  • What does each animal eat.  Predator/prey interrelationships
  • Food webs
  • Quirky fun facts!

What live animals can you expect to visit your Pre-School?

A huge selection of live INSECTS, MYRIAPODS, ARACHNIDS, ANNELIDS, CRUSTACEANS, ECHINODERMS + 2 predators. (seasonal variety dictates).

How much do our Interactive Incursions Cost?

Our ELC workshops run for one hour, and we offer 30 minute programs for Toddler and Nursery children. We can perform multiple shows in a day. All programs are the same price. We'll arrive 20 minutes prior to set-up for our presentation, and we'll ring you if we are running late!

Melbourne Metropolitan, Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat prices January 2020 (presentations must be performed on the same day).

Please remember a maximum of 30 children are permitted in each 1 hr workshop.

1 x Workshop = $600 + GST
2 x Workshops = $900 + GST
3 x Workshops = $1200 + GST
4 x Workshops = $1500 + GST
5 x Workshops = $1800 + GST

We'll send out a tax invoice/booking confirmation once booking has been received.

How do you book a Wild Action Incursion?

It's really easy! Once you have decided on your choice of Wild Action program, give the Wild Action Hotline a call on 0419 385 245 to discuss your requirements. If your life is as hectic as ours, then why not send us an email with your enquiry, session times, number of groups and a couple of preferred date options. We'll get back to you ASAP with availability.

Do our animal’s get stressed?

This is a valid and very important question!
All of our animals are part of our huge extended Family. Most, if not all of our animals are lovingly hand-reared and cared for in the home of the Director of Wild Action, Zoologist Chris Humfrey and his Family. This is why we can bring such a diverse array of native wildlife safely into your classroom. Our animals are not stressed! In fact, they love interacting with people. To accomplish this, it this takes 24/7 passion, energy and commitment to achieve this special experience.

What are our requirements?

We just need a suitable space where your ELC kids can comfortably be seated in a large semi-circle. 5m x 5m are is perfect! Indoors is most suitable. The kinder mat is a great place!

Children must be instructed to wash their hands after our activation.

What are our Terms and Conditions of booking?

Once a booking is made, we'll send out a confirmation of booking and invoice.
Our terms are payment prior or on the day of presentation.
7 Days cancellation prior to your booking requires full payment.

Legal requirements

On request we will provide certificate of Currency (Public Liability Insurance) and a risk assessment for our activities undertaken at your centre. All Wild Action team members carry their WWCC’s.

Wild Action is a licensed Wildlife Displayer with the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning. Only under strict regulatory procedures are we able to display native wildlife. Wild Action strictly abides by the Wildlife Act 1972, The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Code of Practice for animal welfare & Code of Practice for the public display of animals.
Give us a buzz!
0419 385 245

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